There are only two kinds of digital photographers who use cameras with interchangeable lenses, those who have had to deal with sensor dust and those who have not had to deal with sensor dust, yet. If you are in the latter group, be ready, because it will happen.


Wildlife photography is immensely popular. The thrill of capturing an image of an animal in the wild, in its natural habitat or in front of a beautiful vista, is incredibly appealing. And besides — who doesn’t love animals? Of course, wildlife photography can also be incredibly challenging. Wild animals aren’t sitting still for portraits, making it tough to get a good snap; and, they’re not coming to you, meaning you’re taking your equipment into the wild. That means it’s critical that you’re carrying the right camera and the right lenses […]

Lady posing for a photo

Portrait photography can be a truly rewarding experience for any photography enthusiast. We’re not talking “rewarding” from a financial perspective (although certainly portrait photographers are always in demand, if that’s the route you want to go down!), but portraiture is a great way for you to experiment with lighting, with colors, with different equipment – and it’s a great way to engage and connect with your subjects as well. As always, though, the type of equipment you choose to shoot with matters greatly. Portraiture has evolved over the years, and […]

Blur shows the motion of the Merry Go Round

When you are going out to shoot, be it hockey, auto racing, polo or figure skating, what makes these events special is the magic of the motion. What you want is a nice sharp photo, that also shows that motion is happening, and so communicates the magic of the event to the viewer. In this article, Ross Chevalier will show you how to use motion blur to capture more exciting photos.

With the CNE coming up, there will be more photos than ever, shared over social media from the venue. The biggest problem we face with fair photos? Too many of them are often Snapchat selfies, or simply shot strictly with a smartphone. As convenient as smartphones may be, they still pale in comparison to cameras and continue to struggle with low-light performance and a lack of optical zoom. If you plan to attend any fairs that are approaching and wish to make the best of your visit and capture the […]

It’s the season of the music festivals both big and small across Canada. Here are some tips from Henry’s Learning Lab to help you capture concert images that rock. Plan Ahead While it’s usually not a problem to snap a few photos when your favourite band tours through the local bar scene, larger cameras are often forbidden at larger stadium shows and outdoor festivals. Check the rules before you pack your camera bag. Forget the Flash Concerts are often dark, but your camera’s flash will create more problems than it can solve: small […]

Although we’re halfway through the summer, the sunny days that we dream about most of the year is still here! Let’s celebrate by getting outside and memorializing them. And the activities don’t need to be planned, like day trips or graduations, even the most mundane activities like washing the car or clearing the yard can be the greatest backdrop for fun and memorable shots. Our phones and cameras are crammed with un-shareable photos of headless family members and bad lighting, so it’s time to pay some attention to quality not quantity and create shots that you will be proud to post now and look back on later.

What kind of tips can there be for outdoor lighting?  There’s the sun.  Problem solved, right? The reality is that direct sunlight is one of the worst lighting options that we as creatives have to work with.  It is very high contrast and produces very harsh and delineated shadows.  There’s really nothing that looks better in harsh sun.  The best unmodified outdoor light is immediately after the rain stops and there is still cloud cover, but that’s not the most popular option for many creatives.  There are some folks who […]

Night Photography

Most people tend to put their cameras away after the sun goes down, but sometimes the most magical moments happen when you’re sitting on the dock at and the night is setting in. There’s no magic recipe for nighttime photography, but there are a few easy tips you can remember that will come in handy whenever you want to capture great images in low light.