
Technology is the power behind change, and mobile technology has increased dramatically in the last few years. The improvement in phone cameras is one striking example of technology improving the photography experience for owners of smart phones. More people are taking an interest in photography than ever before. Taking photos is fun, creative, and exciting when matched with the amazing accessories the latest technology is providing. With the number of smartphone purchases increasing daily, few people will ever be without a camera for that special moment. 

The “camera in a phone” concept began in June of 2000 when Samsung produced the SCH-V200 phone containing a separate camera housed in the same case with the phone. You couldn’t send the pictures to anyone, but it was a beginning. Soon after, in November of 2000, Sharp released the J-SH04, and this phone allowed the owner to electronically send photos to other owners of the J-SH04. From that day until now, every cell phone manufacturer has added cameras that improve with each new model. Image quality, resolution, and special effects technologies are advancing. People, who previously thought cameras were too complicated and left the “picture-taking” to others, are now snapping away with their smart phone cameras.

All images taken by Phoneography expert and Exposure Show 2014 keynote speaker Stephanie Calabrese.

“I enjoy doing sports photography that has a lot of action – what are my options for capturing fast action and stop action? I enjoy shooting both indoors and outdoors? Does this mean I should change lenses? Is there one lens or should I be looking at some choices? Are there options for filters that I should also consider?”