Portrait Perfect

It isn’t every day that photographers ranging from top industry leaders to amateurs gather in the same place to learn and share ideas, but when it happens, Henry’s calls it Portrait Perfect. I had the opportunity to attend this incredibly enlightening event and was so impressed by the quality of information and intrigue of the presentations, I wanted to share the top three things I learned throughout the day.

2014: Gear Of The Year

BY December 31, 2014 Articles

2014 was a great year for both amateur and professional photographers. Technology continued to deliver exciting new innovations in the digital field, and photography soared to new heights on the wings of a drone. Cameras provided new ways to capture the skies above and the oceans below, and exciting accessories were born every day. Read on for some of our favourites…

How Photographers Can Gear Up For A Great Vacation

If you are an avid photographer, every foray outside your home is another chance to get that perfect shot. Whether you are taking your dog for a walk at the local park or heading to Halifax Harbour for a family vacation, your mind is always framing the scene and your camera is always at the ready. Whether you are a pro or just a casual shutterbug, renting the equipment you need once you arrive at your destination carries a number of important benefits. 

Many parents have a love-hate relationship with the annual school photography program. Either their children look amazing or they are in total disarray. School photos often end up tucked inside the Christmas cards of relatives and friends, and you want your child to look great. Parents can use the following tips to make the day less stressful for their child and enjoy better results with school photos.

It is often said that the best camera is the one with you. This is never truer than when your baby takes those long awaited but unpredictable first steps. And there’s way too much baby stuff to carry without having to carry around your camera equipment into a diaper bag, just in case. We’ve put together the best ways to capture those precious moments with your smartphone.