When my editor sent me this topic, I have to admit that I asked myself if there really were that many ways to photograph the holidays and holiday related events. It was quite a challenge to come up with some reasonable candidates, so here we go. 1. 360 Degree Family Gatherings 360 cameras are easy to use and most deliver great results with no fuss, no muss. Put one on a stand or hang it from a ceiling (you can rotate the footage later) and use your smartphone to wirelessly […]

When trying out activities mentioned in this article, please follow COVID-19 guidelines and directives for your area. Canadian landscapes and wildlife are natural subjects to capture any time of the year, but Winter provides unique photo and video opportunities like no other season. Despite the frosty temperatures, many photographers find inspiration in their surroundings to get out of their comfort zone – both in terms of photography and the warm indoors – and make some amazing photos (with the help of Mother Nature!). In this article, we’ll revisit some of […]

We can all agree that memories are an integral part of life. Retaining them should not be optional, or at the whim of hard drives and cloud storage that can and will go wrong at the most inopportune times. Nothing survives and activates memories like a photographic print. So, when it comes down to printing them, you want to make sure you have the best photo printer uk or use the best printing service to make sure they last a lifetime. Whether kept in a wallet, placed on a mantle, […]

As image creators we have the luxury of choice. Different makers, different lenses and at the core, different sensors. A question asked often by new photographers and those upgrading from an older camera, is what the differences are when selecting a camera denoted by the phrase “Full Frame”. Where the Name Comes From Those who made photographs using film cameras will recall many formats. The most popular by far was what we call the 35mm format. In still cameras, this produced a negative, or slide, with dimensions 36mm x 24mm. […]

Shooting RAW

At some point in our photographic journey we hear the Saga of RAW vs JPEG. It’s a popular refrain, so let’s look at the benefits of each, starting with RAW in this article. RAW means not processed. When we look at the LCD on our camera, or at the pictures on our smartphone, we are seeing processed images.

Some Truths About Tripods

That a tripod is an asset is a given. Great tripods take away the challenge of camera shake. They provide a firm compositional platform so you can spend more time thinking about the story your image is going to tell and setting up the image just right. They remove a lot of concerns about shutter speed, aperture and ISO, affording you the flexibility to make the decisions in the exposure triangle and in lens choice by reducing the constraints created by dim light, long focal length, the need for massive depth of field and the need to allow for motion blur.

Powerful performance in a compact package Does size really matter? That’s a pretty loaded question, so let’s get a little more specific: Does size matter when you’re buying into a new camera system? The answer, as it all too often does, lands somewhere around “it depends.” When it comes to cameras, it depends on what you intend to use your camera for. If you need something compact and light to take with you on the go, whether that’s just because you always like to have a camera with you or […]

Have you ever felt that your landscape shot didn’t really capture the scope and breadth of the story you wanted to tell, but when you tried an ultra wide angle lens, everything looked really far away and seemed diminished? You aren’t alone. In the olden days (self jab there), we had dedicated cameras like the amazing Widelux that only shot panoramas. With our digital cameras, things got a whole lot easier. You may have already made some panoramas using your smartphone. Despite the micro sensors and the fact that they […]