Whether the world likes it or not, selfies have become a fixture of society and culture. Widespread since the days of MySpace, and named the 2013 word of the year by Oxford Dictionaries, “the selfie” is more than just a cultural phenomenon, its a part of modern life. Accessible to everyone, as you don’t need an expensive camera or equipment the selfie puts everyone at the forefront of the public eye.

In the age of the internet, it’s pretty difficult to tell if an image is “real” or not. Sure, that could be Brad Pitt at your local McDonalds, or it could just as easily have been cleverly edited by someone using Photoshop.

Almost never, however, is there a case where you say to yourself: is this a painting or a photo? Paintings are painted, photos are taken with camera, thus the differences are pretty stark. Yes, that is true, in most cases, but definitely not in all.

Photography Laws Around The World

Everyone is something of a photographer when traveling. You might not have the most expensive camera, or know all the technical elements to taking a perfect photo, but you do have the desire to document all the things you do on your trip, because how else will you remember? And, more importantly, how will people know all the cool stuff you did if you don’t post the photos online? Exactly, you can’t without a camera, even if it’s just your phone.

Photography Then And Now

The tangible inception of photography dates back to the 19th century, and this is one technology that has without a doubt revolutionized the way we see and experience the world around us. The earliest photographers used their cameras to document the horrors of war, capture special moments in history and create stunning portraits of Hollywood movie stars, politicians and other prominent individuals. Though time and incredible innovation has changed our tools dramatically over the years – from the Camera Obscura to the 4K technology of today – that undeniable sense of preserving precious moments and people in time, as well as the inexplicable connection of a photographer to their camera and the world around them – all remain prevailing truths about this art form that we are so fond of here at Henry’s.

Dangerous Photography Locations

Tired of taking photos of beaches and ‘hot spots’ that have already been glamorized thousands of times by other photographers? Are you bored with the tame locations you usually shoot and are looking for some new (and crazy) adventure behind the lens? While these treks are not for everyone, here are our picks for the top 5 adventures every adrenaline-seeking photographer will want to check out.  

Photo By Katie K

It’s Valentine’s Day and what better time to focus your thoughts on the things that make your heart happy?! From furry friends, to laughter with family, seeing new worlds in macro or old ones while on tour – we’ve compiled just a few of the amazing entries we’ve received to showcase just what makes OUR hearts happy! Thanks to all for sharing and don’t forget to enter your photo for a chance to win our Happy Hearts Contest!

Boudoir Photography

* PLEASE NOTE: Some of the images contained in this blog may contain material some might consider unsuitable for certain work environments. *

Searching for a unique Valentine’s gift can be a tricky task. Instead of opting for the standard box of chocolates and flowers, we’ve got some suggestions that will turn up the heat this February! Henry’s School of Imaging has partnered with Jen Rozenbaum – the eye, talent and force behind Jenerations, New York’s Premier Boudoir Photography Studio. With a “sixth sense” for the aesthetics of boudoir photography, Rozenbaum aims to empower women with a renewed sense of self-confidence and beauty. This Valentine’s Day, we’ve teamed up with Jen to offer the dos and don’ts of achieving stunning couples’ DIY boudoir photography. 

Your wedding day holds promise of a bright future with the one you love. Photographs of this special event should be extraordinary and bring a smile to your face or a tear to the eye. The rigid wedding poses of years gone by have evolved into fun poses that express a sense of fun and have meaning to the bridal couple. The use of props in wedding imagery is a creative option that allows the bride and groom to add their personality – a sense of uniqueness and authenticity – to these special captured moments in time.  

Portrait Perfect

It isn’t every day that photographers ranging from top industry leaders to amateurs gather in the same place to learn and share ideas, but when it happens, Henry’s calls it Portrait Perfect. I had the opportunity to attend this incredibly enlightening event and was so impressed by the quality of information and intrigue of the presentations, I wanted to share the top three things I learned throughout the day.

2014: Gear Of The Year

BY December 31, 2014 Articles

2014 was a great year for both amateur and professional photographers. Technology continued to deliver exciting new innovations in the digital field, and photography soared to new heights on the wings of a drone. Cameras provided new ways to capture the skies above and the oceans below, and exciting accessories were born every day. Read on for some of our favourites…