All wildlife photography is challenging, but capturing birds in flight presents one of the most difficult accomplishments. Birds often change direction and speed in mid-flight, leaving your picture frame empty. The following tips will help you improve your technique and assist you in capturing some spectacular images of birds in flight.

Purple Wildflowers in the Garden

Now is a great opportunity to get out and photograph wildflowers that can’t be seen at any other time of year. Here are 10 quick tips for getting started with Spring photography in your garden! Get low to the ground, put your eye level with the flower or only slightly higher.  Don’t shoot from a standing position. If you cannot fill the frame with the flower with the lens that you have, you might want to consider a macro lens to get closer. Use a tripod.  Depth of field will […]

On those special days when family members gather, it’s important to capture lovely photographic images to build memories. Snapshots are fun, but for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, family reunions, and other important occasions a portrait can be a framed keepsake everyone will want. You might think taking a portrait at home is difficult, but a few tips will help you achieve a beautiful outcome with the “wow” factor.

Family on the beach

March Break is just around the corner, and if you are wondering how to prepare to make the most out of this well-deserved time off – at Henry’s, we’ve got you covered. Whether your plans involve travel to far-and-distant lands, or if you’ll be rediscovering our local hiking trails or fishing spots– whatever you do, wherever you go, here are some tips and services we provide to get you on track for the best vacation – or stay-cation – of all time!  

Snow may be cold, but it’s hard to find another weather element that can create so many amazing photographic backgrounds. From mountain top ski slopes to children building snow forts in the back yard, winter offers some of the most dramatic opportunities to capture family, vacation, and scenic images. Knowing a few simple tips can help you make the best of those winter photo shoots, and fill your albums with beautiful images that will entertain your friends and family for years to come.

The Best Landscape Photography Tips

Ansel Adams said, “Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer – and often the supreme disappointment.” He understood the challenges of landscape photography and how to tackle them. Technology and the advent of digital photography have eliminated many of the technical issues that Ansel faced, but his methods are still helpful to photographers today.

Timelapse of Moon Phases

So many people enjoy beautiful time-lapse photography, but they aren’t confident that they have the ability (or the tools) to create such fascinating works.  Here’s a glimpse into the world of Time-Lapse photography, along with some step-by-step recommendations so you can join in the fun.

Girl and dog dressed up for halloween

Halloween is a favourite holiday for both kids and adults. With some great tips, you can shoot fun images and even add a touch of fantasy or creepiness. Use your imagination and create some Halloween scenes to add to the festive mood of your images. You’ll create some hobgoblin memories you and your family will enjoy for many years. Update your camera gear at Henry’s before the holiday so you don’t miss a single “trick or treat.”

Soon the trees will burst forth with the beautiful colours of autumn, and everyone with a camera will want to capture the glorious scene. Almost any weather is good for shooting spectacular fall foliage images, including cloudy, sunny, misty, and rainy because each type of condition imparts its own magical element to your photography. The season is short, and you don’t want to let the weather interfere. Pack up your camera bag and let’s get started on an autumn photo adventure.