Shooting in winter, particularly winter sports, is a great learning experience and can also be a lot of fun. Let’s get through some quick tips to make your images more successful.
BY Ross Chevalier November 12, 2019 Quick Tips, Sports
Shooting in winter, particularly winter sports, is a great learning experience and can also be a lot of fun. Let’s get through some quick tips to make your images more successful.
BY Ross Chevalier November 12, 2019 Articles, Gear, Quick Tips
This is a very popular question amongst photographers. As we start to generate a higher volume of images and videos, putting them all on the same hard disk as our operating system and applications makes less and less sense.
BY Ross Chevalier October 17, 2019 Articles, Gear, Quick Tips
You will need five basic pieces to get started with off-camera flash. Unsurprisingly, one of those pieces is the off-camera flash itself. Then you will need a light stand, a tilting umbrella bracket, a basic umbrella and a sandbag. Let’s look at each of these pieces individually.
BY Ross Chevalier October 2, 2019 Autumn, Quick Tips
Capturing the colours of autumn is a popular activity for image creators every year. In this article, let’s look at ways to make your images more memorable and more powerful.
BY Ross Chevalier September 19, 2019 Learning
With the school year back in session, children and grandchildren will be participating in sports and other activities and parents and grandparents are going to want to be able to get great images …
BY Scott Jarvis September 13, 2019 Community
It’s celebrity spotting season and once again Toronto is the place to be! A-list celebrities and big industry names from around the globe arrive on the red carpet, and hordes of photographers come out to to capture it all. What gear do those photographers shoot with? What brands and lenses do they prefer?
BY Ross Chevalier September 6, 2019 Ask The Expert, Learning
The Exposure Triangle is a continuous entity. A change to any value necessitates a change to at least one, perhaps both of the other elements. If we want a higher shutter speed, then either we have to open the aperture or increase the ISO or some combination of the two. When we shoot in full automatic, the camera’s CPU is doing all the work for us based on the meter reading. That’s great, right up until we choose to take a bit more creative control of the triangle.
If you plan to be attending sporting events this summer, we have collected some great tips for capturing all the outdoor action, whether you’re shooting professional athletes or your kids’ team competing at the local park.
BY Scott Jarvis August 9, 2019 Learning
With the CNE coming up, there will be more photos than ever, shared over social media from the venue. The biggest problem we face with fair photos? Too many of them are often Snapchat selfies, or simply shot strictly with a smartphone. As convenient as smartphones may be, they still pale in comparison to cameras and continue to struggle with low-light performance and a lack of optical zoom. If you plan to attend any fairs that are approaching and wish to make the best of your visit and capture the […]
BY Ross Chevalier July 19, 2019 Articles, Learning
What is exposure compensation and how do you use it? There are plenty of situations where using exposure compensation can improve your photos – at weddings, around a campfire, at air shows, taking shots of a nighttime skyline, etc. Exposure compensation exists on your camera so you can add brightness to images that come out too dark, or to remove brightness in images that are too bright to begin with. That’s it, plain and simple. Here are some tips on how and when to use exposure compensation.