M3D Micro

BY October 27, 2016 Gear

With its sleek, smooth design and a variety of colours to suit your taste, the M3D is one of the leading printers in the consumer 3D printer market. These printers are popular because of their compact size and their easy to use software.

Vice Photo Show 2016

BY September 2, 2016 Community

To celebrate the release of their photo issue, Henry’s partnered with VICE Canada to host their annual photo show at Only One Gallery in Toronto, featuring work from some of the most influential photographers in the field.

Henry's Barrie Grand Opening

May 28th marked the Grand Opening Celebration of our brand new location at Park Place in Barrie, Ontario. It was a gorgeous day, and both new and loyal customers came out to see our fantastic new space, with a wider range of products and a new, dedicated video wall. See how we captured the event in 360-degrees using the Ricoh Theta S.

“I am a new, still learning photographer. I just started a year ago after I bought my camera from Henry’s with a 50mm F/1.8 lens. I mostly take photographs of food for a blog that I write, so everything is set up and I can control the subject, lighting & angles. I’m going to a food bloggers retreat & I’m wondering what tips you have for taking photos at such an event.”