Cameron W700HS Flash for Nikon or Canon

Photographers often have a love/hate relationship with flash. I love flash and use it a great deal. Others find it hard to use and avoid it like it was toxic.  I cannot fix that for you here, but I can tell you about two new flashes, available exclusively at Henry’s that will do a great job for you, both on and off camera.

Cameras have evolved for as long as there has been photography. The only thing that has changed in the last decade is the pace of change. We have more choices, more options in the choices and more delivery mechanisms than ever. When we buy a new camera for ourselves, or as a gift, how do we know what to consider? The fastest growing segment in the marketplace is what are referred to as mirrorless cameras, or mirrorless interchangeable lens cameras, or compact system cameras, or interchangeable lens compacts. Yes, you guessed it, they’re all the same thing. Photography like so many other things seems doomed to seek many ways to say the same thing.

Choosing Your Next Lens

At some point in our lives as photographers, we all feel like we need a different look, a different perspective, a different way of seeing. We also find that we just don’t have enough range for the things we wish to photograph. In other situations, we may have developed, or be developing areas of specialization that require special tools for success. All of these scenarios can broach the question, how do I choose my next lens?

Real Photo Editing On Your Smartphone

If you have a smartphone, you probably take photos with it. At some point, the generic styles of Instagram get boring and you want to do more. Maybe you want to do some more sophisticated editing on your tablet or Surface. Lots of people are making images using portable devices, but the editing tools are mostly of the “slap on a preset” type so you can look like everybody else.