
A Path Through a Forest Blanketed With Trilliums

For about three weeks in early Spring, great swathes of elegant White Trilliums carpet the floors of forests, before trees’ leaves fully develop and block out the sunlight. It’s a great opportunity to get out and photograph the abundance of wildflowers that can’t be seen at any other time of year.

Have you ever felt that your landscape shot didn’t really capture the scope and breadth of the story you wanted to tell, but when you tried an ultra wide angle lens, everything looked really far away and seemed diminished? You aren’t alone. In the olden days (self jab there), we had dedicated cameras like the amazing Widelux that only shot panoramas. With our digital cameras, things got a whole lot easier. You may have already made some panoramas using your smartphone. Despite the micro sensors and the fact that they […]

Canada's Mountains

Canada is a big country, you may have noticed. To capture the true breadth and majesty of it all, it helps to have a long lens and a point-of-view that’s out of this world.

For as long as people have been sending satellites above the atmosphere and travelling to space, we’ve been capturing amazing imagery of Canada from above. To celebrate Canada’s 150th anniversary, we’ve compiled some of our favourite shots from space: