Every “expert” has written or shot a piece on why serious artists need to be on Instagram. I will leave that decision to you. The question that always arises near immediately is, “should I be putting a watermark on my images?”
BY Ross Chevalier June 23, 2016 Learning, Quick Tips
Every “expert” has written or shot a piece on why serious artists need to be on Instagram. I will leave that decision to you. The question that always arises near immediately is, “should I be putting a watermark on my images?”
BY Ross Chevalier June 21, 2016 Learning, Quick Tips
I recently went up to CFB Borden to photograph their Airshow held in conjunction with the 100th Anniversary of the establishment of the military base. It was a really great day and we as Canadians are lucky to have such amazing people in service. As I was walking the static area, making images and talking to pilots and flight mechanics, I overheard someone complaining that their pictures were too dark. They couldn’t see the planes properly but the sky was great. The individual saw me listening and asked if I […]
BY Ross Chevalier June 14, 2016 Gear
If you are at all like me, either as a photographer, a videographer or hybrid thereof, you are constantly looking for ways to attach something to something else.
BY Ross Chevalier June 7, 2016 Editing & Production
If you’re at all like me, you like making the images most of all, but also get a lot of pleasure from seeing how you can make your images better in post-processing. There are some folks who call the digital darkroom “cheating” but I don’t agree. Most all of us are familiar with the incredible work of the great American photographer Ansel Adams. Mr. Adams has been widely characterized as the fellow who created the idea of layers in the chemical darkroom and has also been characterized as the first […]
BY Ross Chevalier May 31, 2016 Learning, Quick Tips
On a regular basis, photographers becoming more involved in post processing will quietly take me aside and ask me what the histogram is all about and what it’s really telling them.
BY Ross Chevalier May 19, 2016 Gear, Learning
When I was starting out, and early in my apprentice days, I gained an appreciation for the look and feel of short, fast telephoto lenses.
BY Ross Chevalier May 17, 2016 Gear
It seems that in every hobby, there is the potential for G.A.S. aka Gear Acquisition Syndrome. As a guitar collector, and alleged musician, I know this one all too well.
BY Ross Chevalier April 26, 2016 Learning
If flowers are naturally beautiful, we need to push that farther to make a compelling story. Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to challenge yourself to make a floral triptych. How you build it is your business but here’s a workflow to consider.
BY Ross Chevalier April 14, 2016 Gear, New Gear
While the general marketplace for point and shoot cameras has fallen significantly because smartphones do such a fine job in that portable, small sensor space, an area of growth has appeared in the market of point and shoot cameras for more serious photographers.
BY Ross Chevalier April 12, 2016 Learning
In this article, I want to share with you my experiences with the Profoto B2 system and the start of a business case for the investment that may work for you. If you are a casual photographer, strobes are going to be a pricey investment, but if you are doing photography as a business, either full time or part time, the day will come when speedlights just won’t do what you need.