Product Photography: Part 2

Product photography concepts are consistent regardless of the product, so what you learn here can be applied to any item.

In Part 1 of this tutorial, we left off with the shoot workflow and a promise to dig further into the gear used to make product photography work for you.

Product Photography Part 1

Product photography concepts are consistent, regardless of the product. In product photography, lighting is everything. The light defines the image.
Control your light by defining it yourself. You want shadows and textures and direction to create dimensionality.

Beauty Dish

In this article, we are going to look at a key light shaper for anyone shooting portraits; the beauty dish.

The beauty dish takes the strengths of both hard light shapers and soft light shapers and brings them together in what is going to be a very unique look.

Canon EOS M5 Tonal Range

In our first article, we looked at the EOS M family at a high level and concluded that the EOS M family—from a function and image-quality perspective—is not only competitive with other mirrorless cameras, but also with modern DSLR cameras. In Part Two, we will take a closer look at some of the M Series bodies.